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The Management and Supervision Tool (MaST) has been rolled out across Cheshire and Wirral Partnership (CWP) to Adult Community Mental Health Teams (CMHT) and Older Adults and Memory Services (OA) at Cheshire East, Cheshire West and Wirral Services.

MaST is a decision support tool and will support CWP Staff and Clinicans to support improved decision making. MaST interfaces with information from the existing CWP electronic health record system (SystmOne) and displays the information in one place. 

MAST isn’t there to replace your knowledge, and expertise nor your clinical judgement. It’s designed to give you the information you need when you need it, in a way that minimises administration time so you can spend it on recovery-focused care with your service users.

  • CMHT Teams at CWP went live with MaST on 24 September 2024

  • Older Adults (OA) Teams at CWP will be going live with MaST on 27 November 2024. Refresher training has been scheduled as follows:
    Tuesday 19 November 2024 at 12:00 to 12:30 pm - Join the meeting
    Wednesday 20 November 2024 at 15:00 to 15:30 pm - Join the meeting
    The online e-learning can also be used as a refresher if needed - Access the MaST e-learning


MaST login

You must have completed your MaST e-learning to obtain a login

Please complete the e-learning module and complete the form at the end of the e-learning course. This will be directed to CWP Service Desk who will create your account and notify you of login details. This will take approximately 1 hour to complete.

Virtual Academy - CWP Staff Login

Complete the MaST e-learning on the CWP Academy



Additional Support for Go-live

Holmusk will be arranging floor walking support visits to all clinic locations in order to support staff at go live. Further information will be provided to Clinical Leads on dates and times.

A short guide to help you get ready to use MaST

A short guide to help you prioritise your caseload activities when you have limited time

Using MaST to support team management

Using MaST to support team management

Suggested engagement activities for MaST


Quick Reference Guides and additional support videos


MaST Update Times


MaST Consultant Led Care / Keyworker Led Care flowchart

If you require any further information, please contact