24 Nov 2023
Gold accreditation for our Training Service
NHS Informatics Merseyside’s Training Service has been awarded Gold Training Service Accreditation by the Skills Development Network in recognition of the team’s exceptional service and high quality standards in training service delivery.
The Training Service Accreditation (TSA) is a recognised standard for NHS training services across the North West who are part of the Skills Development Network.
The standards aim to define best practice for the design, development, delivery, evaluation and assessment of training solutions. Each standard is divided into three levels which include bronze, silver and gold, with each level comprising a number of individual requirements, which organisations are peer assessed against in a similar way to the Excellence in Informatics accreditation.
To achieve gold, which is the highest standard possible, is a tremendous achievement and is testament to the hard work and professionalism of NHS Informatics Merseyside's Training Service team.
For further information about the Training Service Accreditation and standards, please visit the Skills Development Network website