Our vision, mission and strategic aims
NHS Informatics Merseyside’s purpose is to transform care through digital technology, innovation and collaboration.
Our purpose is to deliver IT services and support as a key enabler for the delivery of outstanding care. Care that is safe, effective, caring, responsive, and well-led.
Our vision is to be an integrated provider - delivering a high-quality, professional service that links strategy, innovation, and technology to clinical and business needs.
Financial sustainability remains a key challenge for all NHS organisations and services. In response, we offer value for money and continually investigate ways of using technology innovatively to support more efficient ways of working
Our strategic aims provide focus on what we need to do to work towards our vision.
Our strategic aims are to:
Create a high performance, values-aligned culture which fosters continuous improvement.
Achieve sustainable revenue and growth through partnerships and a competitive operating model.
Leverage technology to support the transformation of health and social care services.
Offer innovative and value-added services to current and prospective markets.
Achieve operational excellence through continuous improvement.
Ensure high levels of customer satisfaction through an engaged and committed workforce.
Each year we develop plans to support these strategic aims. These plans are developed in consultation with our digital colleagues and key stakeholders including our Partnership Board and Operational Committee.