About us
Founded in October 2006, NHS Informatics Merseyside is an established NHS digital technology organisation based in Merseyside, North West England.
Our role is to ensure technology and innovation is used effectively as an enabler to better health and care – helping to drive efficiency and support new models of care through improved and more collaborative ways of working.
With over 10 years’ experience, we have gained recognition and a reputation for our professional and enthusiastic approach, providing an extensive range of services to IT users across our NHS partner organisations and customers who include major acute and specialist trusts, community and mental health services, clinical commissioning groups, general practitioners and professional bodies.
As the beating heart of our health service, our doctors, nurses and wider health care professionals rely on having access to timely and accurate information to make informed decisions about care delivery. To support this, and achieve the digital ambitions of the NHS Long Term Plan and What Good Looks Like (WGLL) framework, our aim is for every task a care professional undertakes to be supported digitally - for patient health records to be created, held and accessed electronically and for all care providers to be able to work seamlessly together through IT systems that can communicate and share information, whilst also enabling patients to have more control over their own health and wellbeing.