27 Apr 2018
NHS Informatics Merseyside supports Share2Care
NHS Informatics Merseyside is proud to be supporting Share2Care, which is the name given to the shared health and social care record programme for people living and working in the North West Coast.
We’re proud to be supporting Share2Care, which is the name given to the shared health and social care record programme for people living and working in the North West Coast.
The programme is being delivered in collaboration with Cheshire and Merseyside and the Lancashire and South Cumbria Sustainability and Transformation Partnerships and will deliver an electronic shared health and care record as a fundamental tool for the delivery of safe, timely and effective care.
The programme includes five key workstreams: 1. Clinical/Service Transformation 2. e-Xchange – the shared platform 3. We Share Because We Care – Patient/Public Engagement 4. Information Governance and Consent 5. Population Health and Research.
For citizens, the programme will help people to live happier and healthier lives and will enable our care professionals to deliver high quality care as well as the creation of a platform for world leading research in bio-life sciences.
To find out more about Share2Care, follow the programme on Twitter @Share2Care_S2C